Research Funding
The most important components of any research project are idea and execution. Successful execution of the research project depends not only on the effort of the researcher but also on available infrastructure and expenses on the man and material. So research funding is required to meet these expenses and smooth execution of research projects. SIT is one of the leading institutes to have research funding. Total grant received is more than 3 crores in the last 4 years.
Year-wise Research Funding

Year-wise summary of research funding received
A.Y | Funding amount (Lacs) | No of projects |
A.Y 19-20 | 88.48 | 3 |
A.Y 21-22 | 84 | 3 |
A.Y 22-23 | 53.62 | 2 |
A.Y 23-24 | 83.18 | 2 |
Details of research funding
A.Y 19-20
A.Y 19-20
Sr No | Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator (if applicable) | Name of the Funding agency | Year of Award | Funds provided (INR in lakhs) | Duration of project,years |
1 | Design, development and analysis of hollow micro-lattice compact heat exchanger (Heat pipe) for space/aircraft applications | Dr. Meena Laad | ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme | 2019 | 4.72 | 2 |
2 | Developing Ethical AI models for Robotics and Multiagent Systems | Dr. Rahee Walambe | ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme | 2019 | 4.72 | 2 |
3 | EU-India Horizon 2020 call – Consortium Partner – PAVITR project | Prof. Dr Kanchan Khare | DST- European Union | 2019 | 79.04 | 4 |
Total | 88.48 |
A.Y 21-22
Sr No | Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator (if applicable) | Name of the Funding agency | Year of Award | Funds provided (INR in lakhs) | Duration of project, years |
1 | Going Global partnerships exploratory grant 2021-2022 | Dr Ketan Kotecha | Going Global partnerships exploratory grant 2021-2022 | 2022 | 15 | 0.5 |
2 | Development of real-time traffic control algorrt~ms fo~ unconve~tional intersection designs using artificial intelligence methods | Dr Ketan Kotecha | India-Serbia | 2022 | 29 | 2 |
3 | Commonwealth Split Site Scholarship | Ms. Shalaka Hire, Dr Sayali Sandbhor | Commonwealth Scholarship, UK Government | 2021 | 40 | 2 |
Total | 84 |
A.Y 22-23
Sr No | Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator (if applicable) | Name of the Funding agency | Year of Award | Funds provided (INR in lakhs) | Duration of project,years |
1 | Industry-inspired Transnational Education in Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning | Dr.Ketan Kotecha | Going Global Exploratory Top-Up Grant | 2022 | 12.26 | 10 months |
2 | Multimodal Explainability for Object Detection and Image processing in Drone Imagery (Project No: INT/ITALY/MR/2021/71) | Dr Rahee Walambe (PI), Dr Ketan Kotecha (Co-PI) | Indo-Italy Bilateral Research Mobility Grant Scheme of DST and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs | 2022 | 41.36 | 2 |
Total | 53.62 |
A.Y 23-24
Sr No | Name of the Scheme/Project/ Endowments/ Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator (if applicable) | Name of the Funding agency | Year of Award | Funds provided (INR in lakhs) | Duration of project,years |
1 | Design development and study of lightweight headgear (helmet) using micro-lattice structure and fiber based composite materials for safety | Dr. Anirban Sur/ Dr. Meena Laad | Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research CollaborationSPARC | 2023 | 37.18 | 3 |
2 | AI For Sustainability | 1.Dr K Kotecha Dr Harsh Dhiman Dr Paresh Nassikar 4. Dr Rahee Walambe 5. Dr Sayali Apte 6. Dr Sayali Sandbhor Dr Anand Pandey 8. Dr Sonawane | AI For Sustainability Program of UAEU | 2023 | 46 | 1 |
Total | 83.18 |